I pack my bags , sad my weekend in Tampa is coming to an
end .
''I’m sorry for getting so drunk ,'' he says .
'' I wish I
could’ve spent more time with you . Next time you come down we should do
something fun . Maybe go to Disney .''
''I thought you hated Disney ,'' I say .
''I never said I hate it . I just didn’t enjoy it the only
time I’ve been . But I’m sure I’d have a good time if I was there with you .''
I glance down at my things , trying to hide my nervous
laughter I know he can see through . Just because he’s been one of my best
friends for years doesn’t change the fact that getting sappy makes me
uncomfortable . But I know exactly what he’s talking about . The reason he’d be
happy going to Disney is the same reason I’m happy taking care of his drunk
ass . Well , I wouldn’t call myself
'' happy
'' while cleaning up puke , but I don’t
need anything extravagant from him like Disney.
''Do you mean that?
'' I ask .
''Of course I do .''
I smile up at him , imagining standing in front of
Cinderella’s castle . It could be home as much as this hotel room is home , although I have to admit a castle does sound a lot better .
Home’s not about the city you were born in , the familiar
streets and buildings . Home is wherever you’re loved , as cliché as that is . That’s what these visits are teaching me . It’s what he’s teaching me .
''Then Disney it is ,
'' I say , dragging my suitcase to the
door .
At the start of the semester, I had no idea where this blog would end up, knowing that I would be interacting with other blogs. However, looking at the finished product, I’m happy with where it went and how my blog was able to take themes and ideas from other blogs and still tell one consistent story. While discussing things like style and insecurities was not part of my original vision for this project, I think they still worked well and furthered the story in regards to character development. I think interacting with the other blogs was interesting, and it’s cool to see how all the blogs interacted and shared ideas, still presenting many different yet coherent blogs. It’s also interesting to see how the blogs interacted by following the hyperlinks from one blog to the next, which creates an intertextual relationship between the blogs. By doing so, the reader can follow a thread of ideas from one blog to the next, which connects all of the blogs into one large text with many subtexts being the individual blogs. This dilutes the original theme taken from one blog through each new blog’s larger theme; as Walter Benjamin explains in “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,” “The situations into which the product of mechanical reproduction can be brought may not touch the actual work of art, yet the quality of its presence is always depreciated,” (Benjamin 221). The continual reproduction of themes from a person’s initial blog vision changes the thread used over time, and occasionally strays from the first theme altogether as each blog gives it an entirely new spin. For instance, in my fourth blog post, I discuss insecurities and body issues that were taken from Iron Maiden’s third blog post. However, following the hyperlink to The Belle Louisville’s second post, the thread taken was about the Kentucky Derby, which was not the thread I followed at all. This changing thread and diluted theme is visible in many instances throughout the large text of blogs.