I pack my bags , sad my weekend in Tampa is coming to an
end .
''I’m sorry for getting so drunk ,'' he says .
'' I wish I
could’ve spent more time with you . Next time you come down we should do
something fun . Maybe go to Disney .''
''I thought you hated Disney ,'' I say .
''I never said I hate it . I just didn’t enjoy it the only
time I’ve been . But I’m sure I’d have a good time if I was there with you .''
I glance down at my things , trying to hide my nervous
laughter I know he can see through . Just because he’s been one of my best
friends for years doesn’t change the fact that getting sappy makes me
uncomfortable . But I know exactly what he’s talking about . The reason he’d be
happy going to Disney is the same reason I’m happy taking care of his drunk
ass . Well , I wouldn’t call myself
'' happy
'' while cleaning up puke , but I don’t
need anything extravagant from him like Disney.
''Do you mean that?
'' I ask .
''Of course I do .''
I smile up at him , imagining standing in front of
Cinderella’s castle . It could be home as much as this hotel room is home , although I have to admit a castle does sound a lot better .
Home’s not about the city you were born in , the familiar
streets and buildings . Home is wherever you’re loved , as cliché as that is . That’s what these visits are teaching me . It’s what he’s teaching me .
''Then Disney it is ,
'' I say , dragging my suitcase to the
door .